We humans are gathering animals. We gather around common experiences. We build relationships by communicating our perspectives to each other. Communicating about common themes forms the threads of ‘community.’ In order for community to exist, we have to weave these threads together – passing them over and under our common words, spinning in our feelings and ideas, and handing the loose ends to each other to bind and finish.

I sometimes feel in these times that our “common experiences” have somehow been expropriated; that the community ideas of ‘Values,’ ‘Strength’ and ‘Right’ have slipped from our grasp and been smothered by actions of “Self Interest,” “Offense” and “Judgement.”

It is perhaps now, more than ever that I need to gather with others around irrefutable common experiences: The warmth of the fire, the mystery of water, the generosity of the air and the embrace of the earth. I need to speak freely and fearlessly about my perspectives, and listen openly as people pass me the threads of theirs. Not to do so would be less than human.

Please join me by the fire.


Michael Stocker